Friday, March 14, 2025

File under: Don't do that!

I remember this show from when I was a kid!

I think I'm going to start a series chastising my opponents for burning cash... yeah... that's what I'm going to do! It may be crass of me to do that, but I don't care - this is my blog & I do what I want to!

Obviously, I see players doing stupid stuff all the time - but I'm going to save the particularly egregious stuff for posting.  What you can expect to see is mostly deep stacked stuff, which brings us to today's post.

We're deep stacked, with $28.11 effective at a $0.05/0.10 game.

Folds around to my left (I'm in the cut off, one off the button) and he opens a standard-ish $0.35 with $35.38 behind.  I look down at a speculative 6h4h and opt to take a flop.  I can get spicy and raise here, but this guy has been fairly quiet, my hand is relatively easy to throw away post flop, and if the planets align, I can put in a minimal amount of money up front with a TON behind, without it costing me if I miss.  Therefore, rather than go for a quick takedown (i.e. 3bet and have to choose to fold to a 4bet potentially), I speculate and call.  The BB with $12.53 takes the call as well.

$1.1 in the middle: Flop is Ts3d5c.  I hit an open-ender.  Checks to original raiser who opens for $.55 - half pot.  Again, my options are still viable - raise or flat.  I have such a hidden hand if I hit that if my opponent has a hand himself, I'll get paid.  Right now, though, as with the pre-flop action, I don't want to get raised off my hand (if I raise and he re-raises, I'm losing part of the value of my hidden draw).  Therefore, I flat once again, opting to see another card fairly cheaply.  Also, for those playing at home, recognize that we have immediate odds here that we're getting less than even money (8 outs - 4 7's and 4 2's * 4 = ~32% odds to hit) on the next 2 cards, but obviously the implied odds are tremendous.

$2.75 in the middle.  Turn is a big bold beautiful 7h.  I hit my straight and it's the nut straight for the board.  Checks again to the original raiser who confirms my suspicion that he has a hand by leading another half pot $1.38.  Now that I'm in the driver's seat, it's decision time.  I want to get more money in the middle given that we're so deep (I'm sitting on $27.21 effective at this time).  I go for a $5.25 raise in order to spike up the pot, leaving $21.96 behind and around $10 in the middle.  It would be nice to at least get a buy-in / buy-in and a half in the middle.  BB snap calls(?????) the raise, and original raiser clicks all the way to all in for $34.83.  Obviously I snap call with the nuts as does BB - two pots are presented: $37.94 for the main and $30.96.

Weirdly, I'm shown JhTh from the original raiser (WTF dude???  Pair of Tens and a weak-ish kicker?  Seriously?!?!?!?) and 6d9d for the double gutter draw who was just clicking buttons on the flop (WTF, but not as WTF as my 300BB deep stacked JT friend).

River is Ac, a blank, and I scoop $67.40!  Again, don't do that!

If you sign up for ClubsPoker, you can view the hand rather than relying on my mediocre retelling.  Use the referral link provided if you're able to do so.

The hand in question is linked here.

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