Monday, February 24, 2025

When deep-stacked, you need to nut the hell up!

I'd argue at normal stacks (~100BB), it's a cooler to get set over set.  However, when you're deep-stacked, you need to be super careful with non-nuts, and be sure you have the correct read before stacking off 300BB!

Sitting at a deep-stacked $0.05/0.10 table.  I have 500BB / $50.  UTG+1 limps, HJ opens to 4x with a $10 stack, and I flat my 7h7c.  BTN ($12.81) comes along, as does SB ($28.06) and BB ($28.01).  Pot size: $2.10

Flop comes pretty decent 6hJd7s -- no real scare draws other than the open enders on top and bottom.  This was a raised pot, so I'm not hugely worried about 89/T9 or 54, but I am mildly concerned about the HJ holding JJ...  He has 100BB effective; if I'm set over set, so be it...

Original raiser leads for $1.05; I flat as does the SB and BB.  Pot size: $6.30

Turn is a 2s, putting 6hJd7s2s out there, and now I need to pump money into the pot given SB & BB flatted the open - they could be drawing, and I want to charge them for their pairs if they have them.  2s turn is a very blank card, though it does put out an unlikely flush draw to a JsXs or 6sXs hand.  Again, more reason to inflate the pot.  However, SB leads out for half pot, $3.15 ($23.86 behind), folding out BB.  Original raiser flats and I raise to $14.75 in a now ballooning pot of  $12.60.  I want the money in and I don't believe either of them have me beat with my mid set.  Pretty sure SB would have 3bet PF, and original raiser would have shipped with $5.40 behind after his flat.

To my surprise... well can't say I'm entirely surprised... the SB ships $27.01 which folds out the HJ and I snap it off to see a turned set of 2d2h...  Poor choices led to worse results, as in he should have folded out on the flop instead of lingering with essentially 2 cards better than Ace high, and he ships it with one out and one card to go.

River is a Jh if it's of any consequence, and I scoop a $63.47 pot.

If you want to see the replay, sign up at ClubsPoker with my referral link (they give you a free $0.50 / day)and view the following:

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